The Member States of the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by General Assembly resolution A/RES/70/1 of 25 September 2015. The aim of this resolution is to achieve these 17 goals by 2030 with a view towards ending all forms of poverty, fighting inequalities and tackling climate change while ensuring that no one is left behind.
The United Nations’ objective has been to create positive and hopeful language that will be a constant thread through all efforts to support the SDGs, strengthening the sense that we are all in this together and are working toward the same objective. The United Nations’ aim is that this will inspire and help carry the promise of a better world forward.
Media and Information Literacy
supports the sustainable development goals

Media and Information Literacy (MIL) and Access to Information for the SDGs
How do we describe access to the information?
As a human right
As an aid to ensure institutional accountability and transparency
As a precondition to achieve sustainable development goals
What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) we have in this film?
Psaroloco Media Literacy believes that the films & education kits on its platform are a great stimulus for introducing, discussing, and leading to action on SDGs-related issues.

“Way of Giants” - “Caminho dos Gigantes”
Way of Giants
Brasil I 2016 I 12'
Directed Produced and Written by Alois Di Leo
In a forest of gigantic trees, Oquirá a six year old indigenous girl, will challenge her destiny and learn to understand the cycle of life.
The film explores the forces in nature and our connection with the earth and its elements.

Casus Belli A film by Yorgos Zois
Casus Belli
Greece I 2010 I 11'
Scriptwriter and Director Yorgos Zois
All kinds of people are waiting in seven different queues. The first person of each queue becomes the last of the next one, thus creating an enormous human line. But at the end of the line, it all begins backwards again.
Casus Belli is a Greek short film which premiered in the official competition at the 67th Venice Film Festival 2010 and won many international film awards all over the world. It has been selected in the official competition of the most important international film festivals (Rotterdam, Clermont Ferrand, Tokyo Shorts Shorts, Brussels, Krakow, Palm Springs California, Los Angeles LA SHORT FEST, Era New Horizons, Melbourne IFF etc) and the journey goes so far in over forty international film festivals. At the same time it is the first Greek short film that secured distribution in cinema theaters in France and has already been broadcasted by many European television stations (Canal +, ARTE, RTP, NBC etc) and cable T.V stations n the US and Australia.

Canada I 2019 I 2:27''
Director Story Chen, PoChien
In “Selfish,” what opens with a benign scene at a sushi restaurant quickly turns into a dire assessment of plastic pollution. Created by Canada-based animator PoChien Chen, the appropriately named film begins by a chef plucking a detergent bottle from a pile of fresh fish, assembling various dishes made entirely of waste material, and subsequently serving them to a horrified trio of aquatic life. It then dives into a disturbing series of facts and figures about the current state of our oceans and the effects of pollution on wildlife.

SEMILLAS, bien común o propiedad corporativa
Seeds: commons or corporate property?
by ANAFAE, REDSAG, Red de Biodiversidad, Grupo Semillas, Acción Ecológica, Articulación Nacional de Agroecología, Acción por la Biodiversidad and GRAIN
Latin American I 2018 I 39:10''
Jointly produced by 8 Latin American organisations and edited by Radio Mundo Real, the documentary "Seeds: commons or corporate property?" draws on the experiences and struggles of social movements for the defence of indigenous and native seeds in Ecuador, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Honduras, Argentina, Colombia, and Guatemala.
The main characters are the seeds - indigenous, native, ours- in the hands of rural communities and indigenous peoples. The documentary illustrates that the defence of native seeds is integral to the defence of territory, life, and peoples' autonomy. It also addresses the relationship between indigenous women and native seeds, as well as the importance of seed exchanges within communities. Exploring the historical origins of corn, and the appreciation and blessing of seeds by Mayan communities, this short film shows the importance of seeds in ceremonies, markets and exchanges.
Local experiences of recovery and management of indigenous seeds demonstrate the significant and ongoing struggles against seed laws, against UPOV and the imposition of transgenic seeds. Whilst condemning the devastation that such laws bring, this film captures the peoples' resistance to the advancement of agribusiness.

Despite the immediate difficulties that continue today, now more than ever, we need to continue to fight for the Global Goals. Focussed action for climate and the environment is our priority in 2021. We need young people to join us in making positive and tangible contributions to the progress of the Goals.

Τι είναι Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη
Educators start the conversation today by facilitating a discussion about climate change with your students
easy activities:
Discover the following educational resources with recommended movies.
Watch movies and choose the ideal one for your age group of students and use them as a stimulus to enter the Sustainable Development Goals.
Ask your students to engage in a conversation with their parents about what climate change impacts they’ve noticed in their communities since they were younger?
Ask your students to use the google earth time-lapse tool to understand how their local towns and cities have changed from 1984 until 2018.