Short Films for Teens only
Runtime: 77min. | Recommended Ages: 14-17
The films are screened under Greek subtitles
The program includes stories about teenage dreams, unexpected connections, brotherly love and passion for football.
The result is a journey with the best playlist of all time (!!)
The program is prefaced by the actress Alexandra Aidini. Will be followed by a Q&A with the director and cast from the film CLEMENTINE
Shorts in this lineup:

Fiction by Christoffer Rizvanovic Stenbakken I
20 min I Denmark, Greenland
Kaali, a young autistic boy, embarks on an intensive search in the town of Tasiilaq in East Greenland, determined to find his missing sled dog. After an encounter with a group of young bullies, he retrieves the dog but risks losing his only friend.

Documentary by Anna-Maria Dutoit I 7min I Germany
The girls of the soccer club FFC Wacker are fighting for the championship title in the Bayernliga. During a night-time training session, their dream of becoming professional players becomes reality for a brief moment.